The future of this country has never been better, according to former President Donald Trump. The former President that refused to be apart of the 2021 Inauguration. Some may say this is a breath of fresh air for the country as we close the four long and trying years the American people have endured. As citizens from all across the country came together to watch history be made, as a viewer, there definitely was a unanimous sigh of relief.
“We pledge today never to take democracy for granted,” Senator Amy Klobuchar said.
The people can truly understand how democracy has been taken for granted within the last four years and can understand that major work needs to be done. The Inauguration carried a theme of unity throughout each speaker; they spoke of unifying this country.
“This is not a moment of division, but a moment of unification,” Senator Roy Blunt said.
Throughout the ceremony, there were many performances from Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, and Garth Brooks. All sang songs that represented the unification of the world.
As time progresses, the time has come to swear in The President and Vice Presidents-elect.
At that moment, as viewers watched them take their oaths, it felt as if there was a breath of fresh air, and more hope for the future.
“This is America’s Day, this is democracy’s day,” said President Joe Biden.
His words felt amplified as he emphasized how this is the time to take things to the next level and make a change.
“Today, on this January day, my whole soul is in this. Our history has been a constant struggle between the idea that we are all equal and that racism has torn us apart,” Biden said. “We must meet this moment as the ‘United’ States of America.”
Biden’s speech showed a sign of hope for a brighter future for the American people.
As the ceremony came to an end, 22-year-old Amanda Gordon closed with a poem dedicated to a brighter future for all.
“We, the successors of a country and a time where a skinny Black girl descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president, only to find herself reciting for one,” she said.
Not only did this inauguration represent brighter days for Americans, but brighter days for the younger generation of people of color, with the first African American and Asian American female Vice President Kamala Harris. The 2021 Inauguration held on Jan. 20 was a symbol of a reset being made for this country's people.
With the support of The Obamas, The Clintons, The Bushes, Bernie Sanders and many more the path of brighter days and hard work has just begun.